Order Custom Product

Tell us your vision

Please specify an acceptable range if a specific budget has not been set for the project

Please provide an overview of your company/business

Project Details

what type of project is this? e.g. Website, Mobile App, EDM, Strategy Consulting etc…?

what can this specific project be referred to as

what is the background of the project? What led up to it?

who are you selling/communicating to? Where do they come across your product/service? Tell us a little bit about these people/persons

what tangible and non-tangible outcomes do you seek to achieve through investing in this project?

what are the key actions you want to drive users to take e.g. sign up to newsletter, buy product, go to store etc…

outline how you see users interacting with the outcome of our work together e.g. user sees product advertisement on TV or other touch point which drives them to the website. On website user learns more about product and finds which stores sell the product. User goes in store and purchases product

any useful information not yet covered that will help us in determining an appropriate solution for your needs

Market and Competitive Advantage

Competitor Name Website Links

Why should your potential customers choose you over your competitors? This is your Unique Selling Proposition or Competitive Advantage. Be as specific as possible.

e.g. Are you a premium product / service or are you value for money?

Product (Website, App, EDM etc...) Functionality Requirements

e.g. Home, About Us, Services, Gallery, Products, Contact Us

e.g. Blog, Gallery, Enquiry Form, Order Form, Google Map, Online Store (e-commerce), Video, Music Player, etc

what functions do you want your product to have e.g. ability for people to buy product online by Credit Card, ability for people to view product information etc...


Promoting Your Product

If so, which services do you plan to use: Example: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube

If so, would you like us to design and build an email template? Please specify what email marketing tool you currently use e.g. Marketo, Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor etc..